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Internet Marketing Guide to Help You Make Money

There are several ways to market you company's, website or product on the internet. We will cover some of them briefly in this document and provide links to more extensive descriptions as we complete those sections. Many of these methods will help your website or online business make money.

Here are the internet marketing methods we will cover:
1) Banner advertising
2) Contextual ads (such ad Google Adsense, Overture or Intelitext)
3) Offer an affiliate program for products or services you offer.
4) Directory listings
5) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
6) Link exchanges (or one way links to your website)
7) Writing a story for a Newsletter
8) Writing a story to be posted on a third party website (such as
9) Press releases
10) Giving sites a reason to link to you or talk about you.

Banner Advertising:
This form of internet marketing has been around since the businesses began building web sites. There are several sizes of banners including full page ads which go away to reveal the site's content and pop up ads.

On the positive side, you negotiate a price per every one thousand ads shown, or a price per click, and how many ads you want to show. By looking at your return on investment (ROI) you can ensure that your business will make money.

You can often choice how targeted the ads are based on the website(s) they are to be run on or the section of the website.

In most cases you can track the number of views and number of clicks for your banner ads that are run across sites.

In some cases you may be able to specify geotargeting - displaying your ads to only a specific region of the world (I.E. city, state, country, etc)

Coming soon: Detailed article on banner advertising

Contextual Ads (text based ads):
Contextual advertising, or text ads describing your product or service, are relatively new and first appeared as the sponsored ads on Google and Yahoo search results.

You will now find Google's Adsense ads running on many websites and targeted to the content appearing on that page.

There are a few things that are nice about this form of advertising.

First, you can quickly create many ads - as quickly as you can think and type up a new one. Banner ads require a graphic artist to create new ads.

Second, you can start out with a small ad budget and run as few or as many ads as you want. Some banner ad companies have large minimum purchases required.

Third, you can target a specific keyword rather than a broad category that would be required with traditional banner ads.

Fourth, since you are paying per click you can determine what a new customer is worth to determine if you will make money.

There are a couple of negatives to this form of advertising:

First, since you are paying per click, competitors have been known to deliberately click on their competitions ads to use up their ad budget without getting results.

Second, because the ad company (I.E. Google) wants to see a certain percentage of clicks based on the number of ads shown, competitors have been known to generate thousands of fake views of an ad in order to get advertisers blocked from using those keyword phrases (for underperforming).

Coming soon: A detailed article on running contextual ads

Internet Marketing Guide (part 2)

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