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Internet Marketing Guide to Help You Make Money (part 3)
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Writing a story for a Newsletter
Writing a story for a newsletter is a proven internet marketing method to bring in targeted traffic. There are thousands of focused newsletters and finding a newsletter related to your websites focus and submitting a credible story for that newsletter is a shows credibility for your website.

The downside of this is that most newsletters are sent out and you only get one shot a driving in focused traffic. In the short term, a newsletter article should drive in more traffic and should enable your business to make money for your efforts.

Coming soon: Our guide on writing stories for newsletters

Writing a story to be posted on a third party website (such as
You might ask yourself why you would want to do this but this is one of the most valuable internet marketing methods because the story you write would normally appear on the website indefinitely and in addition to having your credentials and website listed as the author of the story, It has a great chance of coming up in search engine results because of the credibility of the site that is hosting the story.

Submitting stories to several relevant sites will help your own sites search engine optimization since the stories are related to your sites focus and contain a link to your site to not only drive traffic to your site but help increase your sites page rank (PR).

If you have a story that you think would be of interest to the visitors of iMillionaires please contact us. If your story has anything to do with making money we would love to publish you related stories and help your site's credibility in the process.

Coming soon: Our guide to writing credible articles to submit to third party websites

Press releases
You may not think of press releases as internet marketing but there are several sites that specialize in creating news feeds for websites and will distribute your press release for free.

You must submit a news worthy story just as you would to a traditional news wire service.

Your news story, once accepted, will begin to appear on many related websites just as you submitted it, complete with links to your site, and will remain on many sites for several weeks.

The downside is that the news story will not remain on those sites indefinitely, just as you would not expect your local paper to run the same story over an over again.

Coming soon: Our guide to writing press releases and where to submit them.

Giving sites a reason to link to you or talk about you.
This may sound obvious now that it's mentioned but can you think of any better way of internet marketing besides coming up with an outstanding product, service or unique angle that gets people talking about you and linking to your website?

More Detailed Articles:
Stand Out From The Crowd To Increase Your Chances Of Business Success

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Becoming a Millionaire
Only about 1% of the new millionaires every year get there by hitting the lottery.

Nothing to Lose
The majority of self-made millionaires in the US every year are foreigners who come to this country with NOTHING to seek new opportunities. They had nothing to lose.

Everything to Gain
You have everything to gain and very little to lose if you follow sound advise and minimize your risk. Aren't you worth the chance?

Simple & Effective
You will be amazed at how simple and effective some of the tips and methods you will find here are at helping your business succeed

No Bounds
The internet has hundreds of millions of people (possible new customers). If you focus on an internet based business you will maximize your chances for success by employing proving internet marketing methods

Dreams Come True
Dreams do come true but, you have to make them happen. Only you can make them happen.

Every year there are thousands of new self made millionaires. Is it going to be you this year?

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